Sunday, June 24, 2012

Muskox and Gold in Nome

I wish I could have stayed another day in Nome. I couldn't get a room. There were several events going on. Summer Sun Festival, a reunion, and lots of gold seekers or dredgers. On the sightseeing tour we saw a small version of a modern day gold rush tent town. The price of gold added to the reality TV show has people flocking to Nome again. We saw some old dredges that are no longer working and we saw some new ones that men are working all day in good weather. They go down under water with 2 hoses. One has their air and the other has warm water that goes through their diving suit to keep them warm in those frigid waters. They are dredging the bottom for gold. We also saw 3 different groups of Muskox. It was so neat to get to see these in the wild. I had seen them in the Anchorage zoo.

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