Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ma-Su Valley

Well, Hoa left on Sunday and I've been just chilling for a couple of days. I had to go to the dentist yesterday so stayed close to Anchorage. The lady we met in Whitehorse that lives here gave me the name of her dentist. He had to smooth down my crown and put me on antibiotics for inflammation. He grew up in San Saba, went to UT, and Baylor. Didn't charge me a penny. Told me to be careful and agreed with my boys that I should have brought a gun with me.
Well, I'm staying at a park called the Mat-Su River Park in Palmer. This is close to Wasilla. My brother Mike told me if I see Sarah P, I should ask her for fishing advice. Maybe not. Well, I seem to be having trouble posting this. Yea!!

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