Friday, May 11, 2012

Highway 37 in British Columbia

As Hoa and I were spending the night at Williams Lake we met and visited with a couple from Houston(British C). They told us we should travel up the 37 instead of 97. They said it was wonderful if you weren't afraid of heights(I'm not), so we decided to go that way. WOW!! the views were great, but the road was a little rough in spots and there was a stretch of gravel. We did not see hardly in other cars in a day and a half. Every time we saw an open gas station we stopped and bought gas. There were no towns at all. Well there were but all they had was a gas station. We stayed at an RV park in Iskut, that was barely open because of all the snow. Their water was not on yet. Thank goodness Uncle Dusty had filled my fresh water tank. Uncle Dusty had told Hoa to make me slow down, but the road did that. We were going 40-50 mph most of the way. BUT, I don't see how the views in Alaska could be any better. The road has no side rails ,even when the drop is straight down. The really exciting part for both of us was all the wildlife we saw. We saw 12 black bears(yes we counted), 3 dall sheep, 1 moose, 3 caribou, hawks, one dead black bear, one momma with 2 black bear cubs and 1 grizzly. They were all right beside us on the side of the road.  Most of the bears did not even run away. I have some great pictures, but I must have left my cable at one of my relatives house so I'll try to get one tomorrow in Whitehorse. Yea, there's a Walmart here. I may just get a card reader. Oh I forgot that we had seen a store that had jade. It is mined right here in BC. Hoa has some from Burma that she got in Vietnam when she was young. The girl that helped us had just gotten back from a trip to China and they were selling "fake" jade there. The jade from BC is a darker color of green. Grandma Barremore would have loved this place with all the cutting and rock polishing stuff. Got to go to bed. It is 10:30 here and still light out. We are going to go to Skagway tomorrow.

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