Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Clam Gulch and Exit Glacier

Clam Gulch
Kenai Fjords Natl. Park

Before we left Seward, we tried one more time to walk out to the Glacier. We needed snow shoes, or at least the ski poles to use for balance. We almost walked up on a moose and had to tell her to move, really what we did was talk loudly and wait for it to move. There was just too much snow and ice on the trail so maybe later in the summer I will be able to do it.
We packed up and left for Homer. It was Memorial Day and lots of traffic, at least for Alaska. We stopped in Clam Gulch to watch people dig for clams. We saw one couple, but they didn't have any luck. I thought he was experienced, but found out he had googled it the night before. I think it isn't the right time of month because I was reading about it on the sign board at the trail leading down to the beach. It has to do with the tides, which means the moon is involved(I don't think I've seen the moon up here). What we did see was lots of dirt bikes and four wheelers. Darrin would love this place. We also had a pheasant fly across the road in front of us. It was beautiful.

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