Friday, May 18, 2012

Denali National Park

I can not believe how beautiful this place is. We are staying in a not so beautiful RV park, but you don't stay here much. The park is awesome!! It was 27 this morning when we left the trailer to go into the park. We wanted to go early to see animals ansd to beat the tour buses that go in. People can usually only drive 15 miles in, but we got to go 30 because it is so early. We saw moose, caribou, dall sheep, snowshoe hares, a porcupine, ducks, ptarmigan birds, and moogulls, which is probably spelled wrong but they look like a seagull and that is what the ranger called them. One of the ptarmigan's was sitting in a tree next to the road and was calling. If I had remembered that I have video on my camera, I probably could have got it on video. I took a helicopter ride yesterday and landed on a glacier. I thought it would be freezing, but hardly any colder.

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