Wednesday, May 9, 2012

British Columbia

I picked up Hoa(pronounced Wah) on Sat in Portland. It was snowing in the pass on Mt. Hood on our return trip. Aunt Onie said not to be worried, it wasn't much. It was very beautiful, even though it was too cloudy to see the mountain. We went back to my cousin's house for 2 days and then left on Monday. There is a state park in Madras that I had stayed at before. It is called Palisade Cove. We took a picnic lunch on Sun. after church and sat and watched Sawyer play. Of course he ended up soaking wet and the water is near freezing. When his hands were totally red we went home. We had no problems crossing the border and everyone has been very helpful. We stayed at several nice parks. This morning Hoa had me take a walk to see Williams Lake and we watched geese, and several kinds of unusual birds. Some had an orange head and throat. We have seen lots of quail. Oh, the most exciting was the black bear that crossed the road in front of us and then stayed to eat about 20 feet from the car. He was so clean and furry looking. That was right out of Prince George. We have seen lots of signs to watch for moose, but no moose sighting yet. Well, I had better let Hoa get to bed! I'll try and post some pictures tomorrow.

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