Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Computer prob.

My goodness we are so used to internet service it is hard to imagine what we did without it. We have been without service for several days. I'm actually sitting in a Mc D in Fairbanks, checking email and blogging.
We had a great trip up here. We went to Chena Hot Springs out of Fairbanks yesterday. It was very cool 39 when we got there, but we paid the $10 and went in the pool and spring. It was wonderful. We stayed all day going from the hot tubs to the pool to the springs. The springs are outside and you are freezing until you get in, and then they feel so good. We met people from all over. We ate at the lodge restaurant hmmm good. Then back in the springs. At 7 last night we went to tour the Ice Hotel which is kept at 20 degrees. Trust me we bundled up!! It was beautiful almost other worldly. They have had weddings there, but they are probably very short. Then back to the Elk Lodge. ( It stays light from4- to 11, so we haven't even seen the dark yet) Bye for now am going to get some tech support tonight so maybe more pictures then.

1 comment:

  1. I've read about the Ice Hotel, always wanted to see that, way cool!! Pictures!!
