Sunday, May 13, 2012

Arrived in Alaska

I had written this and lost my power so it all disappeared. I'll try to remember what I had said. We were on our way from Whitehorse and made it to Delta Junction, Ak. We saw more moose, black bear, and elk. We saw something that I'm not sure what it was. It was bigger than a porcupine and had a lopping gait. It did not stick around for a photo op, so no picture, maybe a badger or wolverine. We saw our first eagle. Once we got into Alaska, out of the Yukon we stopped seeing any animals. Hoa says they all have gone to Canada. We had found a campground in our Milepost book, but thought we would stop and eat so we wouldn't need to cook and clean up. The owner turned out to be Vietnamese and she and Hoa had a good visit. Hoa had ordered soup and knew when she tasted it that the cook must be oriental. The lady has relatives still in the area that Dong is from. She invited us to stay in front of her restaurant and use her wifi. All would have been great except my computer was not charged and I lost this. We got up early the next morning and drove the 2 hours to Fairbanks. We were lucky we got there so early in the day because we could not find a single RV park or campground with elec. open. We are staying at the Elks Lodge. Can you believe they have a parking lot with elec. hookups? I'm sure mom is thinking of the Ray Stevens song. Someone there had to sponsor us. We had to go into the smokey lounge/cafe/okay, bar and pay.
well, I'm back I ran out of battery on computer, but didn't lose it again. More later going to look at Mt. McKinley.


  1. Jealous! we haven't been able to view any of your pictures since Whitehorse though?

  2. I love you grandma Donna. Have a nice trip.
